World TB Day Focused on Ending TB in Kenya

USAID AMPATH Uzima proudly participated in the commemoration of World TB Day at Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, and West Pokot counties underscoring its commitment to the global fight against tuberculosis. With the theme "Yes! We can End TB in Kenya" echoing a message of hope and determination, the events aimed to raise awareness, encourage screening, and highlight the strides made in combating this disease.

In Uasin Gishu County, the gathering took place at Uasin Gishu County Hospital, where Dr. Abraham Serem, the County Executive Committee Member (CECM) of Health, speaking on behalf of the Governor, emphasized the significance of World TB Day. He highlighted that beyond raising awareness, the commemorations serve to acknowledge the progress made and inspire the exploration of innovative strategies to eliminate TB.

The county boasts a robust TB infrastructure, with a network of 202 facilities actively involved in screening and treatment efforts. Dr. Serem highlighted, "All public and private facilities screen for TB. Of the 202, 91 are treatment sites while 70 perform microscopy which is both a monitoring and diagnostic test for clients on treatment." He emphasized the importance of adherence to prescribed medication, noting, "Clients are encouraged to adhere to prescribed TB medication to avoid developing resistance." Moreover, the county boasts five molecular diagnostic sites for drug resistance analysis, strategically located in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH), Huruma, Turbo and Moi Barracks, and interconnected via a robust sample referral system.

Uasin Gishu County celebrated three TB champions, including a male and female survivor, and a child, whose mother recounted her daughter's journey to recovery.

In West Pokot County, the event was hosted by West Pokot Sub-county health management team led by the Sub-county TB & Leprosy Coordinator. The event was co-facilitated by the Department of Health West Pokot County, and partners including USAID AMPATH Uzima, the lead partner in TB/HIV services, Action Against Hunger (ACF), NEPHAK, Pokot Rural Development Program (PRDP), and Equity Afia.

Within Elgeyo Marakwet County, there was an emphasis on fostering collaboration between key partners and stakeholders alongside the county government, aiming to synchronize endeavours towards achieving a TB-free status by 2030. Particularly noteworthy is the support provided by USAID AMPATH Uzima to motorbike riders who transport samples from peripheral facilities to the lab testing sites, and the assistance offered by Neighbors in Action-Kenya (NIAK) to Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in contact tracing efforts.

In Trans Nzoia County, the initiative involved conducting screening outreaches across all five Primary Care Networks (PCNs) throughout the week. Approximately 200 individuals were screened for TB, resulting in the identification of two positive cases who were promptly started on treatment.

Community engagement remains pivotal in the battle against TB. Continuous awareness and mobilization efforts by CHPs encourage regular screening for individuals exhibiting associated symptoms at nearby health facilities.

USAID AMPATH Uzima plays a critical role in supporting TB patients, especially those living with HIV. With backing from PEPFAR via USAID, the organization provides comprehensive TB screening and treatment services in Uasin Gishu County. Through collaborative endeavours and unwavering, USAID AMPATH Uzima continues to make strides towards a TB-free future for Kenya.
